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ReSolve Multistakeholder Engagement Forum

The ReSolve Multi-Stakeholder Engagement Forum is a key initiative in the follow-up to the ReSolve Pledge, aimed at fostering collaboration and accountability among stakeholders who have made pledges in support of Afghan refugees.

The inaugural ReSolve Engagement Forum took place on 28 November, 2024, convened by the Kingdom of the Netherlands as Chair of the SSAR Support Platform. The Asia Displacement Solutions Platform (ADSP), acts as co-convener in line with its longstanding engagement and Pledge under ‘ReSolve’, to support partnership and collaboration under the Multi-Stakeholder Pledge. The first Enagement Forum addressed the issue of 'Women and Girls in Displacement'. 

Civil society organizations, particularly NGOs and Refugee-Led Organizations (RLOs), play a crucial role in the success of the ReSolve Pledge. They are instrumental in driving on-the-ground programming, advocacy, and ensuring that refugee voices are represented in all initiatives. The Engagement Forum offers an opportunity for these organizations to directly showcase their work to financial partners and contribute to discussions, thereby ensuring that localized solutions reflect the realities faced by refugees and host communities. 

The Forum is open to all members of the Global Core Group of the SSAR Support Platform, as well as civil society organizations that have pledged under ReSolve. The Forum also encourages new pledges that align with the ReSolve initiative's goals, and partners are invited to make these pledges ahead of the forum to ensure their active participation.

A concept and summary note of the meeting can be found below.

Concept Note

Summary Note